Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | By: Anita

Stand still

For those of you (bliss) who have been faithfully following my blog, you'll notice that I haven't written anything in quite some time. Basically because not much is happening, not with the room we're trying to renovate nor with my life.

We're patiently waiting, Wayne more so, than me. We ordered a pellet stove to sit in the corner of the of room and a pedestal that it's to sit on has been on back order for quite some time. So, until it comes nothing else can be done. garh

I don't 'do' patience or waiting well. I also don't like living in disarray, I believe there is a place for everything and everything should be in it's place. It makes life a little difficult living with three men. Who, not only leave there stuff lying around, but also expect me to know where it is. double garh

But I guess there is no use complaining, it's just the way life is.



Anonymous said...

OK WELCOME to MY world of having 5 men in my life.....
patience is something I think the Lord will be continueing to work on in my life for A LONG TIME!!!
just remember it will ALL be worth the wait when your room is finsihed.