Sunday, November 23, 2008 | By: Anita

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire....

well maybe not quite.
How about corn burning to keep the house warm.

Yes, we finally got the stove put it and have it working to keep the farm house warm. Unfortunately the company we ordered the pedestal base from sent the wrong one and rather than wait another potentially 3 weeks, Wayne decided to put square flagstone in for it's base.

We also found the T.V. cabinet that we were looking for in Cambridge one day while we were visiting Krystle. We brought it home a week ago, so the room is slowly coming together. Now I wait for the furniture. When I ordered it I was told it could take from 6 - 8 weeks, I keep hoping for the 6 weeks as opposed to the 8 weeks, so we'll see.



Anonymous said...

the fireplace looks GREAT!!! glad it finally came in...just in time as well with all this WONDERFUL cold weather we have been getting...
Hope you have been able to at least roast a marshmellow by the fire...LOL