Tuesday, October 7, 2008 | By: Anita


The acronym w.h.a.t. stands for women's hearts always together, this is a group of inter generational women, who meet weekly to intentionally develop relationships with each other. We (women) all need a support system, our husbands can part of that system, but they cannot understand the myriad of emotions that we as women go through, only our women friends can do that.

In 2006, God laid it on my heart that we needed a group for women to get together and to support each other. There is an amazing group 'Heart to Heart' that meets in the daytime for all women and it is wonderful as it's meeting a need as there are usually anywhere from 45 - 60 women attend. But for those who work during the day..... I felt something more was needed and so w.h.a.t. started.

We started in 2007 with the book "Queen of the Castle" and we met for one complete year. We decided to stay together for six more months and studied the book 'What happens when women walk in faith'.
This fall, two new groups have started, one group is studying "Fight like a girl" by Lisa Bevere and our group is reading the book "Fresh Brewed Life" by Nicole Johnson. It's about waking up to the life that God wants you to have. It takes you on a personal journey with God and your journal. We met for the first time last night. I'm so excited to see where God will lead us, and how He will challenge us as we take this journey together.

Now most of you know, I am someone who loves to journal, so this book will be perfect. I've read it before and am really looking forward to reading it again with this group of women. I'm hoping that this will give me another opportunity to a deeper personal walk with God.



Anonymous said...

good for you to follow your hear to do what God was leading you to do...I am sure there are many ladies blessed by this group that you have started...it is true that women do need other women to share LIFE with....thanks for being there for me as well
