Friday, September 5, 2008 | By: Anita


This time of year it seems, is time for taking in the harvest, whether it's from the field or from the garden.

Wayne & I had a garden this year, we grew corn, potatoes, peas, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, habenero peppers (like jalapeno, only hotter), cantaloupe & watermelons. It's always amazing watching those planted seeds grow.

With all the tomato plants I decided this year that I was going to can some of them away. So one day last week I packed up some green tomatoes and some onions and I headed down to my Mom's, where we made Relish.

Earlier this week I again took tomatoes this time they were red, onions, and both kinds of the peppers and my Aunt Virginia and I made salsa.

What a wonderful way to enjoy the garden goodies in the winter.



Anonymous said...

mmm the pictures look good enough to eat! send some of that salsa my way ;) if there is any left!

Anonymous said...

THANKS for sharing the relish with me...SORRY I was not there to help, I know I missed a good day....
NOW U REALLY need to teach your daughter the ART of canning.....