Monday, October 29, 2007 | By: Anita


I know this is not one of the most pleasant of topics, however, in this life we all at sometime or another have experienced grief of some kind.

Yesterday, Wayne & I went for our walk, we naturally took both our dogs, however this time, Ace was hit by a car. He was able to get himself off the road, but then just laid in the ditch and bit at us as we tried to help him out. Wayne had to go back and get the truck and a pair of gloves so we could lift Ace into the truck to bring him back home. He just laid there moaning every once in a while. Before we went to bed I had Kyle check on him once more to see if he still had water, and Ace had died.

Kyle was pretty shook up and he was angry. I know that anger is one the many faces of grief, and I am sure we'll have a whole range of emotions as time continues on.
I am sure there are some reading this thinking it's only a dog, but to us he was like family.............
in fact today, when I went for a walk, I found myself looking for him as I would travel along, I really miss him.

So...... to the faithful readers, I would greatly appreciate it if after you read this you would say a prayer on our behalf, knowing that the God of all comfort will meet our needs and help us through this time.



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Anita, I know how you guys were so crazy about Ace.
He was doing so well when we were walking, I can't believe it.
I am thinking of you today.


Anonymous said...

I was so sorry to hear about Ace,my kids even took it hard. And thought of poor Kyle.
Thinking of you, special prayers for Kyle, he has gone through a lot in the last few weeks....
We never really understand why things happen, we just need to cling to the fact that God is in control.......
Our prayers are with you...