Wednesday, July 18, 2007 | By: Anita

Season Seconds

This is the second wedding of the year that I was able to help Sandra with. Chris & Carrie Henhoeffer were married on July 14th at the Festival Inn in Stratford.

Carrie & Chris had planned a garden wedding, unfortunately it rained off and on ALL day. But the weather did not dampen their spirits, at all. Sandra just had to become more creative in getting the pictures.

After the ceremony, we went to the Galleria in Stratford, if you've never been there, you definitely should go and see it, there is a waterfall with a small pond, benches, and boulders, picture perfect.

We unfortunately got caught in the rain and quickly sped off to the Shakespearen Gardens, where there is a gazebo so we could run for cover each time the rain started up. Sandra was able to take some amazing photos. Check out Sandra's blog. A few of mine even made it into the slideshow. ~~ woohoo

We stayed for the dinner and the reception, what an amazing dinner. They said speeches between the dinner courses, I even found myself tearing up. The couple had loads of fun at their reception, one could really feel the love between them. Sandra was able to upload a slideshow during the dinner, so that during the reception, guests were able to get a sneak peak.

It was late till I got home, and I was beat. I cannot imagine how Sandra must have felt, after all I really do not do too much, I mostly carry the bags, do the running back & forth from the vehicle, and get a few pictures in. Sandra however, has to come up with all the creative photos you see on the slideshow, and after the evening is all over she puts everything together for the couple. She finalizes all the pictures and makes sure everything is in order, makes a CD of ALL the pictures we've taken.

Over all it's great to be part of someone else's special day. The next one I signed on for will be in September, so there won't be any wedding postings till then.
