Saturday, May 9, 2015 | By: Anita

Change in Plans

So, I think I’m a bit of a control freak. How do I know? 
I don’t like interruptions ~ I like to stick with my plans.
I tidy up as I go along in the kitchen… but I also tidy up as my husband cooks which drives him crazy as I often put away things he’s still using!
Being late stresses me out.
I rip out pages in my journal if I make too many mistakes ~ especially if it’s a pretty new journal!
I tend to be ok with my own mess, but hate other people being untidy.
I need to be in control of my own schedule ~ if it gets changed for whatever reason that I have no control over I freak out.

Can you relate to any of these things? Or have I just ended up making myself look like I have a screw loose?

Needless to say that when the date for the move to our new house got changed from June 20  to May 30 due to some unforeseen circumstances ~ to say I was flabbergasted ~ isn’t even close.  It’s not in six weeks, but three…count them, three more weeks till we move!


Trying to have control over our lives isn’t always a bad thing. But here’s the thing ~ we need to understand that the control we want to have can only go so far. Things happen that we have no control over and we need to be prepared to surrender our schedules and plans in order to allow God to intervene and do the miraculous!

Some would say it’s simply a coincidence, but if we have our eyes open we can notice that it is really God at work.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11{New International Version {NIV}}

So we’ve been packing, and purging, and thinking, and organizing, and donating, and recycling, and cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning, and …it’s been a little overwhelming.

But it is exciting! Even for a control freak like me!

Take Care


Anneliese said...

I can hardly imagine! All the best as you plan, purge and pack!