Monday, February 2, 2009 | By: Anita

Groundhog Day

I love this movie. Not only is it hilariously funny, but it gives deeper meaning to relationships.

In the film, Bill Murray plays Phil Connors, an egocentric Pittsburgh TV weatherman who, during a hated assignment covering the annual Groundhog Day event (February 2) in Punxsutawney, finds himself repeating the same day over and over again. After indulging in all manner of hedonistic pursuits, he begins to reexamine his life and priorities.

As he relives this day over and over again, he starts to invest his life into the lives of the townspeople he encounters, (learning their likes & dislikes, takes piano lessons, learns to speak french) his attitude towards them changes.

Isn't that what life is about? Knowing and caring for each other.

I'm sure no one would want to relive a specific day (even if we could) over and over again to learn that lesson. We only get one chance at this life and the time we take to invest into peoples lives can have eternal effects.

In Matthew 29: 40 it says "I (Jesus) tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."



Anonymous said...

Wow it has been awhile since I seen that movie...
But the message of making the most out of each day is very important..
I have really been convicted from our study this week in Ephesians 4 where it talks about the things we say...
Why is it so easy to be nice to stangers and yet be so critical of family members in your own household...
when you say something you can't take it back, that is why it is so important to FILTER the things you say BEFORE you say it...something else to think about
See Bliss I can be deep as well LOL