Monday, August 25, 2008 | By: Anita

Moving On

It was one of those bittersweet days yesterday. When Wayne & I and Gerard moved Krystle from her summer dorm to her dorm room for the school year.

We left early Sunday morning to head to Cambridge as we needed to pack up all her belongings and move them. Krystle came home for the weekend and was unable to get anything packed before she left. It only took us two hours to pack up all her stuff and get it moved into her new room. We didn't bother to unpack it all as she wanted to take her time figuring it out as to how it will all fit. This was a nice twist to our afternoon as it gave us time to just hang out together.

This is her 3rd year at Heritage and this year she is the Senior Residents Assistant for the girls dorm.
way to go Kryssi!

So, this week she is attending the R.A. training week, next week all the other students move in and before you know it another school year has started.
