Wednesday, June 13, 2007 | By: Anita

Busy, Busy

Busy as a bee
.... as I have been reading different friend's blogs, I've noticed a common theme among the ramblings. Everyone is so busy. Busy with jobs, kids, garden, crafts, you name and someone out there will be busy with it.

I too am feeling overly busy lately with life.
I've been reading a very good book called "Boundaries", by Henry Cloud & John Townsend. Ironically it's about setting boundaries in life so one does not feel overly busy with doing it all. But doing what you choose to do, well.

How do you decide what it is you want to do with your life? There are so many options these days.

I believe that God has a plan and a purpose for each of His children, we need to seek His guidance for our lives.
Unfortunately too often we get caught up in the routine-ness of life, without searching out His will.

All my life all I ever wanted to be was a Mom. I am very blessed to have 3 children, I have enjoyed being so very much a part of their lives. I was fortunate that while they were small I was able to stay at home with them. By the time my youngest started Gr 1. I went out to the work force, not ever having to work full-time, because I wanted to be able to maintain my home the way I liked.

Even now with the job I have, (I work Mon - Fri 9am - 2:30 pm). It's perfect I work just enough that I am out, but not too much that things fall so behind at home. Even though I do not have young kids at home, I still LOVE being a mom and having time to stay at home.

This time of year is a little more hectic with trying to mow our lawn (which takes about 4 hours and that's with a riding lawn mower), look after the pool, keep the garden weeded (which is never ending), and PLUS doing all the laundry, cooking & cleaning. Can you imagine if I had flower beds, yet too? Read the blog about stones.

In the book, it says that we need to say "no" to some things so we can say "yes" to the right things. I too often think that if I don't do it, it won't get done, and you know maybe that's not a bad thing. Sometimes we have to be willing to let things go, and if there is a real need for it, someone else will step up to do it.

So as I try to bring more balance in my life, I need to first seek His will and follow His desires for my life, and to not get to caught up with this world...........after all we're only here for a short time.



Anonymous said...

Thought provoking reflection
I to am learning to say no to things and yes to the more IMPORTANT things in life......
The weather has been to nice to be bombarded with work...we need to take more time out for ourselves and for those that are important to us.....(like ball games 4 nights a week)
I don't want to miss a thing in my kids lives the time is going TOO fast
So I too will be taking more time for things that matter

Anonymous said...

Boy you must be a busy bee, you have not updated your blog spot in over a week. How am I to stay up to date on the things in your life, IF you don't update???
Stay in touch